This 4-hour course is designed to inform L1 and L2 teachers about updates to the practices and manuals. We will highlight changes to
Read Moreקורס זה מיועד למשתתפים שרוצים לשפר את תרגול ה-BBM האישי שלהם (Breath-Body-Mind™) ולפתח מיומנויות להדריך בבטחה וביעילות את שיטות-BBM עם לקוחות וקבוצות גדולות יותר.
In this second of the four-level BBM teacher training sequence, you learn to teach the core BBM techniques to individuals for stress, coping with COVID, anxiety disorders, PTSD, military trauma, post-disaster, depression, ADHD, and stress-related medical conditions. Increase your understanding of neurophysiological effects of voluntarily regulated breathing practices on emotion regulation, bonding, and cognitive function. Practice teaching while BBM teachers observe and offer suggestions for improvement and professional development. Attention is given to creating a safe container, tone of voice, pacing, the accuracy of instruction, and trauma-sensitivity.
Read MoreПро курс: Навчання вчителів BBM 2го рівня допоможе вам покращити вашу майстерність викладання вправ ВВМ і додасть впевненості у своїх навичках.
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