Posts tagged About
Sobre o BBMF para do Brasil

Embora o Brasil não esteja atualmente em guerra, o legado do colonialismo e suas consequências continuam a afetar muitas populações, criando uma necessidade urgente de alívio do estresse e do trauma. Isso é crucial para ajudá-las a continuar lutando por seus direitos e construindo vidas melhores para si mesmas e para suas comunidades.

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About BBMF for Brazil

Although Brazil isn't currently at war, the legacy of colonialism and its aftermath continues to affect many populations, creating a deep need for stress and trauma relief. This is crucial to help them continue fighting for their rights and building better lives for themselves and their communities.

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אודות נשימה-גוף-תודעה

נשימה-גוף-תודעה היא תוכנית של תרגולים ממוקדי נשימה, גוף ונפש, שנבנתה על ידי שני פסיכיאטרים, ד"ר ריצ'רד פ. בראון וד"ר פטרישיה גרברג. במשך יותר מ-20 שנה, נשימה-גוף-תודעה מסייעת למאות אלפים להתאושש לאחר אסונות המוניים באמצעות התערבות ישירה ובאמצעות מודל "מאמנים את המאמנים."

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BBM in Rwanda

Ubuntu Center for Peace has been working to bring people living with trauma to a more flourishing life in post-genocide Rwanda, using a community-based social healing model that integrates Breath-Body-Mind (BBM) practices, collective narratives and rituals. The recent program outcomes suggest 70% reduction in depressive symptoms, 69% decrease in anxiety disorders and 55% decrease in PTSD after the intervention. This has led to a decrease of lost days due to illness by almost by a half, 26.6% increase in children's school attendance, 65% less domestic violence and 21% increase in the family consultation to address issues as well as 49% less conflicts with neighbours.

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BBM for Israel

For over 20 years BBM has helped hundreds of thousands recover after mass disasters through direct intervention and through their “train the trainer model” including survivors from the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks, war veterans, genocide survivors in Rwanda, Rohyngian refugee children in Bangladesh, South Sudanese people liberated from slavery, Nigerian girls who survived kidnapping by Boko Haram, and Ukrainian adults, children, psychologists and psychotherapists. 

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